
Active projects

Active projects

A narrative analysis of patient biographies elicited in the hospital setting

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Eliciting patient autobiographies in clinical practice: A scoping review


Judgment skills e gestione della febbre tra i genitori

Free from fear. Reframing Dementia through the Eyes of Caregivers.

Fill the implementation gap: a mixed methods study of theory-based adaptation and implementation approaches and processes of a low-dose psychosocial intervention for caregivers

GIOCO: The role of offline, hybrid, and online play in socio-emotional and cognitive functioning among school-aged children and adolescents

IN-PHASE – Inter-university pre-grad PH Master for the SSPH+

Promotion of safety in sport among children and youth: Prevention of sport-related concussion among children and youth


Swiss Learning Health System (SLHS)

USI-ID New master in public health

Words matters: complex values beyond simple principles in disability ethics

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